Page 27 - Nadide Okulları, 23 Nisan 2023
P. 27
Written by Ali Bayezid TURAN
Was born on 30th October 2009. Lives in İzmit. Goes to 7th Hunters at Private Nadide Secondary School. Dreams to be a software developer.
My name is Walter and I am a professional chef But, we didn’t have enough money. We opened a
in Türkiye. I have been travelling around Türkiye campaign on instagram. First, nobody saw it for
for charity recently and I was in Rize yesterday. 12 hours, then some influencers started to share
While I was eating mıhlama, I was watching TV. I it. We earned a lot of money and ordered more
went to bed at 11 p.m. but at 4.00 a.m. my phone ingredients. But some of the trucks were looted.
was ringing. I thought: “Who is that in the middle We called the police and reported it. They started
of the night?” When I picked up the phone, I to search but couldn’t do anything. Our followers
heard my friend Gustavo. He said: "Did you started to send more money so, we bought more
watch the news?" I said: "No." He immediately ingredients. We started to cook everywhere.
told me: "An earthquake happened in Maraş, Some of the followers came and helped us. At
Hatay, Adana, Malatya and Osmaniye" I got up the end of the Ramadan, our campaign came to
and checked my computer then I saw the news an end. We were so happy because we helped
about earthquake on all channels and sites. It ten thousand people.
was awful.
After a few week, Ramadan was about to come. I
thought: “How will the people fast?” I decided to
call my other friend Patrick and talked to him
about the situation. He said: "Let’s go to Hatay." I
said: "Okay."
I bought tickets to Hatay for me and Gustavo.
When we reached Hatay, we found a safe
building and a restaurant. We also brought lots
of ingredients with us. We prepared everything
and cooked delicious meals. We opened a free
restaurant for the people who were affected by
the earthquake.
From that day on, we started to cook iftaar and
sahoor meals. When my friends heard about our
charity organization, they also came. We had a
meeting and decided to open a free restaurant
in every city that was affected by the