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HAZİRAN 2020 ^ 5.SAYI ^ / nadideokullari
Children learn languages more easily than adults and so Online Tests: PQS Tests are an online English language In what ways is reading beneficial and educativev?
introducing English at a younger age is a great way to avoid the stress assessment tools that measures the English skills of non-native English
it could cause later. Moreover, children are curious little beings and it is learners. The test is using the scale based on Common European
not di cult to engage them in an educational activity as long as you Framework of Reference for Languages. We apply it at the beginning
keep it fun. With that path nder Nadide English Department is and at the end of the year to see our students’ progress with an
objective evaluation.
Artist Chattebox: Our secondary school students are crazy
about Artist Chatterbox tournament that is similar to Taboo game but
is unique for the cards that were designed and prepared by our
teachers. It’s not only great fun but also improves the speaking skills,
vocabularies and the use of grammar.
Action in English for Juniors / Action English: Both are
weekend events that include activities that guarantee the biggest
challenges to improve the students’ English speaking ability. We know
that learning English speaking is much more di cult than any other
skill and we enhance English learning with daylong activities where
students absorb speaking through indoor and outdoor games. The bene ts of reading in English is overwhelming so the ELT team
Action in Europe: We travel to Europe every year so that is dedicated to improve English reading for some reasons. While
our students come across with native speakers of English and get the most learners want to focus on improving their spoken English, the
chance to learn new cultures and people. other skills should not be ignored if you want to become a uent
Show your Performance: Students get the chance to make user of the language.
devoted to create a curriculum that makes English learning as a presentation about something they are interested in. It’s challenging First and foremost, reading is one of the best ways to increase
entertaining as possible. Students learn without noticing through for both sides the presenters and the listeners. Students love talking vocabulary and to consolidate the understanding of grammar. Not
enjoyable games and activities. Learning how to communicate needs about their interests and also listeners love it to learn things about only the students will come across with many new words and
everyday situations that is provided by our teachers for our dear their friend’s presentations. phrases in context, they’ll also see grammatical structures laid out
students. Scrabble Tournament: One of the main struggles of on the page that they may not worked out. With repeated
English language learning for most students is learning vocabularies. exposure to the same vocabulary and language patterns, students
Besides our Nadide kneaded lesson curriculum we have some big This is why we organize and encourage students to join vocabulary will begin to make their way into spoken English as well. In this
English events that are held every year. Some of the events were competition that focuses on getting to know more words. Aside from way, reading helps speed up the normal language learning
explained in detail but below you will read about other activities that memorizing the words students also concentrate on the spelling of process.
are held at Nadide Schools. There are also other activities as Little words. The winners of Nadide Scrabble tournament get the chance to In short, the more students read, the more quickly their spoken
Directors, Nadide Café, talent Show, Word Quiz, Nadide Tubers, Pecha join Kocaeli Scrabble Championship that is also organized by Nadide English will improve. Through reading, students learn about
Kucha and many more.. Secondary School. people, places and events outside their own experience. They are
exposed to ways of life, ideas and beliefs about the world which
Word Quiz: Joining vocabulary competitions is a great way All in all, the good news is if you are a Nadide School student you are may be di erent from those which surround them.
to learn the vocabularies required for our lesson and in daily life. This in the most appropriate and engaging place that actually can help
way, students will study certain words over and over again, without your child to improve English speaking. There is a common agreement
noticing or getting bored. that if children start at a young age, there is a very good chance that
Spelling Bee: Regardless of vocabularies not being as they can become extremely uent in English, even to the level of a
complicated as in some other languages, spelling is the di cult part of native English speaker. Children absorb languages like sponges, a lot
English. While joining the events our 2nd graders learn the di erence faster than adults. With the right approach and environment children
between sound and spelling in English. It is a yellow-black event that can learn English speaking the same way they speak their rst
students love to attend and experience. language. It is de nitely worth a try!
NADIDE TIMES The associate Editor Zeynep ERTOK explains: This newspaper
is for everybody who is a part of Nadide Schools. We are
A student’s initiative committed to write about true events and express our deepest
School newspapers are a great way for students to learn about
teamwork and time management while developing literacy skills. Sta Reporter Dide YURTOĞLU describes us the outline of the
With basic computer skills and some creativity, students can write newspaper; “Our newspaper involves international, national
and publish their own newspaper. It enhances students’ confidence and sports news. As well as news from our school and an
and develops creative talents. advising part”.
Arif KILIÇ says that: It Sta Reporter Muhammed Emin KALE talks about the steps
was the dream of our before the newspaper is published. “It’s a lunch break work.
class for a long time Our editor-in-Chief Arif KILIÇ invites us to the meeting at the Earlier this year, we launched the bookworm club program to
and finally we could English Zone twice a week. With free tea and co ee, we come extend our reading support beyond the academic curriculum.
realize it. Though it together and decide on the topics or talk about the work we Reading Club includes activities focused on making reading
can be a daunting completed. It’s great fun and we appreciate it to have the fun. So we introduced the library to our students with a great
task, at first. As there opportunity to do everything on our own. Of course our reading party. Everyone who wanted to join was handed a
are so many things to teacher who is the provider of the tea and co ee coaches us. bookmark on which the students were able to write the names
do, from team It’s a great job”. of the books they read. The students were informed that if they
management and read 10 books, they would be red stars; if they read 20 books,
training to article You’ll nd valuable information in Nadide Times that is they would be blue stars; if they read 30 books, they would be
writing, photojournalism, design, production and publishing. But as published every second Monday. We would like to thank 7th green stars and if they read 40 books, they would be yellow
we are a good team that has been together and experienced so Hunters for running and contributing to our school stars. All the time they became stars their names were written
many activities for three years it is not tiresome. We are devoted to newspaper. on the stars and hung up on the ceiling.
do a great job and hope that our readers are as excited as we are.
activities. We still go
on publishing the
-DISTANT EDUCATION- best stories on
Nadide Bloggers and
we have also
In a matter of weeks, coronavirus students’ education. organized a Writing
(COVID-19) has changed how ‘Learning anywhere, anytime’ Competition.
students are educated around the concept was implemented into our It is too early to
world. The announcement of curriculum and we set o to the judge how successful
suspending attendance at schools path of technology. we are going to be,
on the 16th March has led our We are doing our lessons through but we can
students into temporary The results were nourishing and has ZOOM and also enhance learning guarantee that we do
‘home-schooling’. This change has prompted new examples of with the colourful activities of the best of it. The smile
certainly caused a degree of educational innovation. Although it in the eyes of our This activity has proven to be successful in a very short time.
inconvenience, but what had to be was a bothering situation not to Class ow. Our students are sent students and the output Learners were engaged throughout the term with the
assignments and the development
done had to be done. Our Nadide look into the eyes of students, hold of students is carefully tracked. of 4 weeks education challenging and entertaining books. Our students were
ELT department like the other their hands and be together in the Not only the academic part of our proves that we are on occupied in a productive and healthy manner and the
departments came immediately same room, we have set targets to the correct way. improvement they have made was observed clearly.
together to make the best for the ful l until our school opens again. education continues but also
Nadide schools is famous for fun