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HAZİRAN 2020    ^  5.SAYI                                                           ^            / nadideokullari

                                                                                                                        My Spooky Friend
                                                                                                Space Explorations      by Muhsine OGUZ
                                                                                           by Zeynep KAYA & Ece ULUDÜZ&  Tuba   7th Hunters
            Great way that enhances language,                                                     7th Hunters      Hi. Today I want to talk about my new
                                                                                                                  friend, Tara. She is a little bit interesting.
                                                                                           From the beginning of humanity people have
            view of life and imagination
                                                                    Shopping on the phone at Trend Nisa
                                                                                           always wanted to learn more and more about
                                                                                                                   Because she is a GHOST! We met just a
                                                                                          humanity. Many scientists have been making
                                                                        by Zeynep Nisa ATA
                                                                                                                   few days ago. But she is one of my best

                                                                                           researches to satisfy their curiosity since then.
                                                                          6th Explorers
                                                                                                                  friend now! Let me tell you how I met her.
                                                                                             Many people whereas are against the
                                                                                           explorations. We should consider the pros and   I was just listening to music. It was night
                                                                     Trend Nisa is the safest digital   cons totally to be able to say shall we go on   and I was alone at home. Out of nowhere,
               Good news from Nadide Schools anyone   One of My Memories  property market place. When you want   with the researches that have a highly cost or   Tara appeared. First, I was scared. I wanted
          can learn to write and every writer has his or   by  Selim KANCA  to buy some smart watches, you can   shall we stop.  to shout, but Tara closed my mouth. And
          her own unique process. And we the Nadide   5TH TRACKERS   use the Trend Nisa app. You can pay   Firstly, we can start with natural resources of   she started to speak:
                                                                                           our earth that are about to end. So we need to
          English Department think that writing needs   One of my memories is when we went to a   by your phone so you won’t carry any   look for a new place to live or resources that can   -Shh! Don't be scared! I don't want to
                                                                     bags because this app delivers your
          to start in an early stage. Because writing   park in England. I opened the park’s door   watch to your house! Trend Nisa offers   rescue earth from death. We are not doing it for   -What? Why are you going to disappear?!
                                                                                            ourselves but we are doing it for the next
          helps to cultivate vocabulary growth,   and we went in. We walked to the   you fast and free delivery. Our store   generations. Cause there will be more cars and   Who are you?!?!
          develop critical thinking skills, expands   playground. While my sister was playing I   helps you to save your time and   trees will die out. As a result there won’t be any   -Shhh! Don't shout! I am Tara. I am a
                                                                                            oxygen to breathe. If we find a new planet to
          creativity and improves  uency.  went into the woods with my dad. There was   money! You can do online shopping   live, it can keep mankind alive. Secondly, we   ghost. And we, ghosts, appear when a
                                          a small playground. After I played for a
                                                                     with VISA and MASTER CARD!
          How do we, as teachers, help our ELT   short time there we went to find the stream   WHY TREND NISA???  can also learn new technologies from the   person and a ghost turn the same age, 13.
          students develop enthusiasm for sharing and   in the woods. After a while we found the   Because Trend Nisa is safe and   But in another way, people claim that we   We look for a suitable friend. And if the
                                                                                                                   person who we find shouts, we can't pass
          writing?                       stream. I picked up a long stick and checked   professional throughout the entire   should take more care of the world. We can   our exam and we are forced to disappear :(
                                                                                            spend the billions of millions of budget to the
          We start with simple sentences that turn into   if it was safe to get in the stream. It was safe   process.  world we live on. We can spend money on earth   -Oh sorry, Tara. But I want to ask you
                                         but when I got in I sank. My dad pulled me
                                                                    All properties are checked by our team
          paragraphs then to stories. Every student in   up. I had mud all around my trousers. From   thus we can guarantee and certify all   problems. If we take more care of our world   something. Are you looking for a friend
          secondary school has a beautiful notebook   that day on I never went even close to the   products.  than we don’t need any other planets. We can   just only to pass your exam? If it is like
                                                                                                 stay in this world.
                                                                                                                   this, go back to your home, where you
          that is the private treasure that carries all the   stream.    FOR NOW $55        All in all, there are very positive and negative   come! I would never be a friend with
          valuable pieces of writing. Students get                   Verpro smart watch is water proof   aspects of space explorations but we think we   someone who exploits me.
                                                                                             have to think about our grandchildren. We
          weekly writing assignments that are highly                fitness activity tracker with Heart rate   should go on with space explorations but we   -No! I really want a friend! A real, good
                                                                    monitor. It checks your blood pressure
          exciting, interesting and entertaining.   FROGGY DAY       from your wrist and it is a kind of   shouldn’t forget to do our best for the human’s   friend.
                                                                                                   first home.
                                                                                                                   Then she seemed upset (with her curly
          Memories, stories, poems, essays, reviews,   by Tuna Talha BEKTAS  sport band because it tracks your    blond hair with two ponytails and two pink
          articles, fables etc. Students are usually crazy    7th Hunters  running area via GPS. It’s battery is   buckles, a little mouth, a little scary big
          about writing and with the supportive   I will write to you about the best day of   up to 18 hours.     eyes and with her small flying body that
          comments of teachers, students are    my life.               Which colors do we have?  A Weird Day        was hard to see, and her little scary
          encouraged to read and present their works   I was at my grandparents’ village. It was   BLACK GREY PURPLE  by Betül YILDIRIM  -Sorry, I didn't want to make you upset!
                                        the hazelnut day so everybody was busy
                                                                                                 7th Hunters
          in front of the class. It is a win win as students   with the hazelnuts, including me. My job   THIS WATCH IS SHIPPED TO ALL   Do not be sad please!
          are able to improve both writing and   was to turn the hazelnuts so the ones on   COUNTRIES!!!  One morning, I went to school. It was   -Thanks! Are we friends now? Pleaseeee!!!
          speaking skills.                the bottom could dry up too. While   TREND NISA  different. Everybody was running out. Why?   -Yeah, sure!

                                                                                         I thought. Also the teachers. I went up. It was
          At the beginning of this year our school   everyone was preparing for the machine to   Updated 2020  very dark. I turned on the light. I could hear a   -Yaay! Thank you! I passed the exam and
                                                                                                                  the best thing I am happy because I HAVE
                                         come, my other best friend came from
          provided us a part in our school website   Adapazarı/Sakarya. We played lots of   Version Smart Watch is for android   strange noise. It was a sound like a frog voice.   A NEW FRIEND!
          called Nadide Bloggers and all Nadide school   games. You might be a little jealous but   and IOS phone.  I went to the classes one by one. And finally   -Your welcome, Tara.
          students’ works get the opportunity to be   you weren’t there so I played with him.   Activities fitness tracker, follows   the last class. I went to that class, too but I   -Umm, what was your name?
                                                                      health exercise with heart rate.
          published.                     When he went back home I had no choice   It has sleep Monitor and it is   wish I hadn't gone. Because there were so   -Oh, sorry. I forgot to say my name! My
                                                                                                                        name is Holly. :)
          Every week new writing assignments are   but to wait for the hazelnut workers. Then   compatible with Samsung, Apple.  many frogs. As soon as they noticed me, they   -No problem, Holly.
                                                                                         jumped on me. I noticed something else. They
                                          I remembered that I had brought my
          checked, corrected and published. The   favourite book with me. I read it from top   could speak. They said to me: “Noone dared to   -Thanks Tara.
          progress the students make is unmeasurable   to bottom with no break. It was quite      come here. Only you came. You must help us   And we are best friends now with Tara! We
          and obvious.                   good. In ten minutes the workers were   FLYING ROBOT HOUSE  (F.R.H.)  and make us turn into our real shape. Do you   have the best time together.
                                                                       Edibe Seyma AYTAÇ
                                         going to come but ten minutes was like   6th Explorers  remember us? We are your friends.” I asked:   TARA & HOLLY
          As a result, Nadide Schools is certain that the   an hour. Finally ten minutes passed. I   One day I woke up and I looked out of the window .To   “How did it happen?” They replied: “An evil
                                                                                          witch came to school and she made us like
          strategy they implement in their work is   heard the big iron door open and the huge   my surprise, I saw that my house was floating high   that.” I said: “Okey I will help you. Stay here.”
                                         machine came into the garden. I was so

          successful. Now it’s time to read some   excited, they set the machine and started   up in the sky. I quickly ran to my door. I woke Lisa   Their president shouted: “You need to know
                                                                    up but she was still sleeping. I said:
          samples of our students. HAVE FUN.  it. It made a lot of noise. When they   -Lisa wake up. We were flying! Lisa stood up   this information. Evil witch lives in a cave.   SILENCE AT THE STORE OF GERMANY
                                         finished, there were millions of hazelnuts   yawning. And said:  And if you will break her wand, her magic   by iREm SEN
               EXPLORERS WON A TRIP TO ITALY    on the tarps. My grandparents picked the   -Are you serious? That’s incredible! We hugged each   will break! I was running to the cave. But    5th Trackers
                   by Inci SANCILI       bad ones. When they finished, we played   other with joy. We immediately identified our   where was the cave? I didn't know. I searched   Hello, I’m İrem.
                    6th Explorers        games in the hazelnuts like swimming,   location. Our house was moving to the south. We set   and finally found it. I went to the cave near   I was wandering about the streets in Germany with
                                                                 our route. Our destination was Namibia. We entered
                                                                                                                    my friends. We entered a store .Suddenly I became
          One day our teacher made a quiz. And Explorers got 100. Every   throwing them to the lamp post in the   the coordinates of south West Africa. Our F.R.H. was   the school. I could hear someone snoring   invisible there. No one could believe what they saw but
          student got 100 in the quiz. And teacher thought: “ What can I   middle of the garden. After that it was   gliding through the air.  inside. I went ahead slowly slowly. I came to   I could see them. They called the security first, the
          do about this?”. Next day Feyza teacher said to  Explorers:   half past seven. We had dinner and      We designed this house with the   the place where the witch was sleeping. Her   security didn’t believe them. I was invisible, they were
          -Hello my dear Explorers, you got 100 in the quiz. And you   watched a football match on the old TV.   science team 2 years ago. Tests were carried out on   wand was next to her. I took it. I was running   right.
          won a trip to Italy. Explorers said:  Yeeeeeeeeees! Teacher that’s a   Then it was time to sleep. And that was   our F.R.H. for 4 months. The successful F.R.H.   out with the wand. But she woke up and   But they didn’t understand when I called them. They
          very good idea!  When will we go? Teacher said: I didn’t think   started operations. Yesterday we prepared food with   started to chase me. I came to school. The witch   heard my voice but they couldn’t figure out where I
          about it. But tomorrow I will tell you.  the end of my best day.  Lisa. Because of this time we were going to such a   was. I wanted to look at the security cameras and
          NEXT DAY                                               long journey. But not today. Lisa loaded the flying   was still chasing me. Everyone was looking   solve the problem this time. They still didn’t see me. I
          Teacher came and said: My dear Explorers this weekend you   ground,  it began to lean by time. We got really   date incorrectly in the program. In fact our trip was   at us. I went up to the frogs. They saw me and   couldn’t enter the locked camera room. I felt so bad at
          will go to Italy. Monsters and Trackers will come with us as   surprised, soft gound attracts thousands or even   going to start 1 week later. I looked to see except that   they were very happy. Suddenly I broke the   that moment. Security left the room. There were
          well.  Some students said their excuses like going to somewhere   millions of tourists  and brings them here every year. It   we started early. Lisa:   wand and all the frogs turned into my   magic mirrors on the wall of the room. He passed in
          else or having a doctor appointment. Then Feyza Teacher   is amazing.  After we had our dinner, we went to our   -Sarah can we achieve this. Then I said:  friends. And the witch was looking to us   front of the mirrors and said: WHERE AM I?
          wanted us to raise our hands if we wanted to go to Italy so   hotel and slept.  -I believe in F.R.H. But we need to look at the weather   Everyone shouted: I DON’T SEE WHERE YOU ARE.
          seventeen students raised their hands.   NEXT DAY            reports again. Lisa:  because her magic finished. We hugged. They   The store attendant said: I FORGOT THE MAGIC
          AT THE BREAKTIME            Every student and the teachers woke up. They were   -I am down with that.  were so grateful to me. We left the school.   MIRRORS HERE…
          At the breaktime Feyza teacher asked Reyhan Teacher about the   going to go to Collesseum but Edibe  eyma was         5 minutes ago Lisa:  Everybody clapped for us or me. Also we   He went to the security control room and immediately
          number of students who want to go to Italy and Reyhan   missing. We panicked and Feyza teacher panicked as   -Oh my God. Updated estimates how many things   didn't forget to take the witch. We called the   pulled out the magic spray. Employee said: THOSE
          teacher told her that 16 students will attend and from Ebru   well. We had to find her. We looked all around the hotel   changed while we were sleeping. A hurricane is   police. They arrived quickly and arrested her.  MIRRORS ARE RETURNING TO NORMAL
          Teacher’s class six students will come with us. Overall 39   and then Ebru teacher found  eyma at the wrong door.   expected 8 hours later. I say:  WHEN YOU USE THIS SPRAY ON THE
          students, Feyza teacher, Reyhan Teacher and Ebru teacher will    eyma came and we went to Collesseum we asked   - I want to discover Kalahandi Desert          And they said she will never go out from   MIRRORS.
          go to Italy, too.           questions about the Collesseum. And our guide   - Okay then, let’s be ready for hurricane. Now we are   prison until she dies.   They said: OKAY.
          AT THE WEEKEND              answered our questions. 5 days passed like this. We   over Brazil. It looks like it will be very difficult to   Security used it. And everything returned to normal.
          Thirty nine students and teachers came to school garden. And   travelled a lot and we tried many different Italian food.   cross the Atlantic Ocean.  We were excited and scared .After that day, we didn’t
          we went to Italy. We went to Pisa Tower first. When we went   Italian Gelato was really delicious. After 5 days we       We really lost a lot of altitude in   enter that store. I WAS QUITE SCARED.
          there we saw that Pisa tower is leaning and Bedirhan asked to   went back to our home, Nadide. Every parent came and   hurricane. But at the end we went down it was very
          the guide about this situation. And the guide answered.  they took their daughters / sons. It was very enjoyable   exciting. It was the first time someone crossed the
          He said:  The leaning of the tower of Pisa happened in 1173,   and I am looking forward to go to France next year. I   ocean with a FLYING ROBOT HOUSE (F.R.H.).
          when the construction began. Because of the soft   know that it will be legendary.
                  HIT THE BOOKS                                                        Every year, we organize the idioms   day of “Hit the Books” competition.
            The Idioms Competition at Nadide                                      competition “Hit the Books” with our 5th   Let’s talk with some of our students about
                                                                                  graders. What are idioms?   the competition.
                                                                                  Idioms are words, phrases or expressions        Ceylin YILDIRIM said: Hello I am Ceylin I
            One day I woke up early. I was as fresh                               which are commonly used in everyday   was one of competitors of the champion
            as a daisy but when I looked out of the                               conversation by native speakers of English.   team at Hit The Books contest. While
            window I saw that it was raining cats                                 Learning the most well-known idioms helps  preparing for the competition, I coded the
            and dogs. I felt blue because we had a                                to make English sound more  uent. Idioms   idioms into my memory as rhymes. I passed
            class picnic. Then suddenly it stopped                                are often metaphorical and make the   3 exams and as a result I was selected as a
            raining. I was on cloud nine and had                                  language more colourful but also very   competitor. Our team had some mistakes
            butter es in my stomach. I heard my   decided to go and thought “Let   di cult to understand and memorize.   while we were in the competition but we
            mom screamig I was all ears: Shake a   sleeping dogs lie” It was very cold and        As Nadide school our motto is “Learning   forced ourselves in the last round and won
            leg! Don’t kill your time otherwise you   when I went home I was ill. I bet on the   is easier when you have fun.” So we have   the contest. I was really happy when I
            will face music. Your friends will leave   wrong horse. My mom was on the go so   found this way to make it not only   learned that we won the contest, I was on
            without you. I got up and get ready. I   she didn’t see me. She had a bigger  sh   challenging but also lively and amusing to   cloud nine. It was a very important and very
            started eating breakfast I was so fast   to fry. I thought she giving me a cold   learn. Our students get acquainted with the  happy moment for me.
            that she said: Hold your horses! And I   shoulder because I went.” Then she   idioms by many ways like we stick the        Elif Ecrin TOPAL answered: “I studied
            think you shouldn’t go. It is wet. I said:   came to my room and saw that I had   idioms on the desks so our students get the  really hard for the competition and
            No mom. A picinic happens once in a   fever. She said: “Aha! Therefore you are   opportunity to see them, we play lots of   memorized all the idioms. On the day of the
            blue moon and my friend M.Akif is a   as quiet as a mouse.” The picnic was OK   exciting games the opportunity to see   competition I thought: “We can’t win.” But
            hard nut to crack. I promised him to   but it cost me an arm and a leg.  them, we play lots of exciting games about   then we won and I was very happy. It was
            bring my football. If I don’t go, he will hit   Idiom Story           the idioms (miming/telling) and we have   great.”
            the ceiling.”  I sat on a fence but I   Written by 5th Hunters        the idiom of the week board. All the   Bilal Adem FİL said: “It was great fun.
                                                                                  activities lead us to the  nal which is the
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