If I become the principal of Nadide, I must think the best things and activities for my school. If I become a principal, I can do these things:
1-I will make 10 hours (at least) of English a week.
2-I will make programmes for the students.

3-I will make maximum 5 trips in a term.
4-I must make discount at the prices of the products in canteen!
5-All the school will have a playing lesson at least 4 hours a week.
6-The teachers can give permission to go toilet during the lessons.
7-The meals will be more delicious.
8-If the students are quiet in a lesson, they will go to lunch first.
9-We will make a meeting about each class every week.
10-I will be a good principal.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Praying will be in the lunch break and lunch break will be 1.30 hours.

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