Hello, I’m İrem. I was wandering about the streets in Germany with my friends. We entered a store .Suddenly I became invisible there. No one could believe what they saw but I could see them. They called the security first, the security didn’t believe them. I was invisible, they were right. But they didn’t understand when I called them.

They heard my voice but they couldn’t figure out where I was. I wanted to look at the security cameras and solve the problem this time. They still didn’t see me. I couldn’t enter the locked camera room. I felt so bad at that moment. Security left the room. There were magic mirrors on the wall of the room. He passed in front of the mirrors and said: WHERE AM I? Everyone shouted: I DON’T SEE WHERE YOU ARE.

The store attendant said: I FORGOT THE MAGIC MIRRORS HERE… He went to the security control room and immediately pulled out the magic spray. Employee said: THOSE MIRRORS ARE RETURNING TO NORMAL WHEN YOU USE THIS SPRAY ON THE MIRRORS.

They said: OKAY. Security used it. And everything returned to normal. We were excited and scared .After that day, we didn’t enter that store. I WAS QUITE SCARED.

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