We have been in Hunters class for 3 years and we are a great team. We have many things in common (like we all love English) and things that are different. We made a survey about different topics and below you can see the results. Let’s start!
QUESTION: How often do you go shopping?
50 % Once a month 40 % Three times a month
10 % Once a week 0 % None
QUESTION: Which shopping center is your favourite?
70 % 41 Burda 20 % Symbol
10 % Outlet Center 0 % None
QUESTION: How much money do you spend when you go shopping?
40 % 200 TL 10 % 300 TL 0 % None
40 % Less than 100 TL 10 % More than 300 TL
QUESTION: Which stores do you prefer for shopping?
50 % Others 10 % De Facto 10 % None
20 % LCW 10 % H&M
QUESTION: Why do you go to shopping malls?
60 % Only when it is necessary 10 % To relax 0 % For fun
10 % To eat something 10 % For meeting friends