Hello! My app is a very useful application. Its name is Findall. It’s for finding everything in the world. For example, the lost pencils, the lost kids, the people you are searching for… I usually use it for finding my lost phone. I open my application and say “hey Findall!

Where is my phone?” and then I realize that I’m holding it in my hand! By the way, it also has another version which is going to be published in 2 years. Its name is Remindall. It reminds you everything. It uses the phone’s microphone for all day, all the week, all the month! It listens the things around you. For instance, your teacher said “Do your homework” and you forgot it. It rings the phone and says “Hey! You forgot to do your homework!”. It’s also very useful. The advantages of my new app are you can find all your things and you can remember anything you have to! The disadvantage is people may enjoy finding things and one day they may start hiding and finding things with the application. We are not responsible for this!

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