My app’s name is Petchat. Petchat is something that you don’t download in your phone. You download it into a device that you put it on your pet’s leash. The app has got a few languages, horse, cat, dog, bird, rabbit and hamster languages. It changes them into Turkish (or what language you want.)

For example, when your dog wants a hug, it will bark and the app changes it into Turkish and your dog will be happy. The app can also change the things you have said, too.

On Sundays while watching a film you can chat with your bird! Or you can comment on a film with your cat!

The people will make their pets happier with this app. You can speak with your bird on the way to market or you can ask which food it prefers!

I always say, we don’t need technology but we want it! Perhaps, it’s good but it’s dangerous. The app has a big task and it does a big task. Like other devices, when you open the details the app will warm the device. If the device gets warm, the leash will get warm. If the leash warms, the pet gets warm. So it can be dangerous. You shouldn’t always use the device.

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