Owl Penki says "Ow no! Uncle owl iiissss...".
Another owls are curious. Owl Senki says "Iss???".
 Owl Benki says "They are kidnapping uncle!"
Owl Senki says "Why are we waiting? Let's help uncle owl!".
They confirm Senki and they walk pardon fly to uncle owl’s house.

tThey come to uncle owl’s house and thieves are trying to tie uncle owl’s eyes.
Thieves put uncle owl in their lorry and lorry goes.
Owl Senki says "Come after me." and they fly.
Thieves bring uncle owl to a little house. They enter but our owls can't enter.
Owl Senki sees a pizzaria men and a good idea comes into their mind.
Owl Senki starts to do a plan to enter the little house:
-Hey Penki! Distract them, I believe in you!
-Hey Benki ! You are the second distracter. After Penki, your task starts. I believe in you too!
And me, I will watch around and while they are distracted I enter home and come out with uncle owl.
-This is a good idea!
-This is a good idea!
-Thanks but it’s time for start.
Owl Penki sees a pastry shop assistant and buys some cake .
Owl Penki rings the little house's bell and the slim thief opens the door.
-What do you want?
-I don't want anything. I just give you a cake.
-Can I see the cake?
Owl Penki says "Of course!" and smashes the cake in the thief's face.
Other thief says "Hahaha! Your face is very funny. Hahahah!"
And now it’s time for Benki. Benki lays down in the garden and yells "Help,help! My leg is broken!"
Two thieves come and look at the owl Benki.
At that time Senki enters the house and exits with uncle owl.
Owl Senki says while it flies. "Rescue mission is completed successfuly!" Another owl understands the mission is completed and they fly home.

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