One day our classroom Monsters won a trip to Italy. Our fathers and mothers bought flight ticket to Milano. We went to İstanbul Airport, and we flew. When we arrived in Italy, we were welcomed by Ancelotti. He is a tour guide. We were very hungry. We asked him, where we can eat.

He brought us to a restaurant. We went into the restaurant. Waiter came to our table. The waiter asked us to begin meal with pasta. I thought the waiter was flighty after a few minutes I understand that pasta wasn’t a cake. It was meaning macaroni. I wanted to begin with soup. But Italians start meal with pasta. Then I eat vegetarian pizza because in meat product there can be pork. Some of my friends had chicken menu. After meal we travelled to Milano City. Italian historical buildings were exciting. Milano City’s streets are very neat. There weren’t trashes on the streets. The drivers were respectful, and they weren’t using horn. I like Italy. I want to go there again.

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