One day I was sitting on the chair, and I was bored. Then my sister came “Why are you sitting here? Follow me” she said. I was following my sister and when we looked at the table there were two tickets. These tickets were for Netherlands. Firstly, I saw the tickets and I shouted.

Because this holiday was unexpected for us. I couldn’t believe. I think it’s incredible! Me and my sister were going to Netherlands. We got ready and we were going to Netherlands. When we arrived Rotterdam’s weather was very good. Because we were lucky in the sky there was sun, and it wasn’t hot, and it wasn’t cold. We went to a lot of famous museums, zoos and more. When we first arrived in Rotterdam, we went to the Rotterdam Zoo. In the zoo there were a lot of animals. For example, there were so many kinds of fish, polar bears, seals, big turtles and more. I think the turtles were 90 or 100 years old. And we went to a lot of places, but the time wasn’t enough. Finally, we went to the 11. Van Gogh Museum. And you can think it also has a lot of Van Gogh’s pictures. We liked each picture, but our favourite is “Starry Night”. We love it so much. At the end of the trip, we felt cultured, happy and tired. Because this trip was also entertaining but we were tired too. Next time inşallah we will go to Japan.     

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