Last week my dad brought a big box home. This box’s shape was very interesting and scary. That day’s night my sister and I couldn’t sleep. Because as if the box invites us. We went near the box and on the box wrote like this “if you don’t open the box I will kill you“.

We got scared very much. And we didn’t know how can we explain this to our parents? If we say these things, I think the box gets angry to us. We had a lot of questions in our mind. In the morning our dad came near us and “Did you open the box? If you opened the box, what was there?” he said. We again didn’t know what we can say “Daddy we didn’t open the box but now we think we can open the box” I said. “But I want to open the box together” he said. Now we couldn’t escape from my dad and the interesting box. We went near the box and my dad started to laugh. We opened the box and there were only magnets. Our dad made a joke for us and he laughed very much. But we never laughed. Because we got a little bit angry, but he could scare us. And we think the joke was so nice. 

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