As conscious individuals, we have some debts and responsibilities to nature. At the forefront of these advances is to protect the environment and the natural environment. The way to protect nature is to protect its environment in the first place. İf you are asking what we can do to protect nature nature the answer is quite simple.

It is a very wrong approach to think that we have to take great responsibility to protect nature and therefore not take responsibility. The desire not to take great responsibility will cause the natural environment to deteriorate. The sine qua non of a quality life is to create a clean environment and a more livable environment. We need to get rid of the idea that it doesn’t make sense for me to protect the environment alone we need to be a community. We can list other important issues that we need to do to protect nature as flows; water on earth should not be polluted with human and animal residues garbage and similar materials. Reproduction and reproduction of harmful animals, Insects especially houseflies and mosquitoes should be prevented. Some animals disturb the balance of nature, and the breeding of these animals should be prevented. Explosions in the sewer piper should be reported to the relevant persons immediately. A solution should be found by the medical authorities and the entry of dirt in the pipe into the living spaces should be prevented.

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