In this text, I talk about how we can be environmentally friendly. Although there are many methods, I think the most important is recycling. Recycling is not just the separation of waste, it is the reuse of everything we use.

Giving the clothes we are tired of wearing to someone in need is recycling, of course, we may have to make sacrifices for things we cannot transform. The waste reduction method can also be used in this. The text also mentioned environmentally friendly products. What we can do about this issue is that with more technology, products have started to be designed in a way that will not harm the environment. Of course, it is a better choice for our nature to use a little less and save energy. Finally, before I get your opinions, I would like to talk about the cleaners we use in our house. When the chemicals in them mix with the sea and inland waters, sea creatures are harmed. Instead of these, you can choose natural products. These were the methods I chose to be environmentally friendly from the forum I read.  THANK YOU!

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