Hello, my name is Ali Bayezid. I have got two names. Mostly both of them are used together. My first name is “Ali’” and it means supreme and almighty. My second name is “Bayezid” which means a person whose father obeys Allah’s rules. My father gave me this name because Hz.Ali is the fourth khalifa of Islam and he is also the cousin and son in law of our prophet.

My second name Bayezid comes from the fourth Sultan of the Ottoman Empire Yıldırım Bayezid. I love my names. Because both of them were very important and strong people. Maybe my name is the reason for my deep interest in history.
And for the nicknames, I have some. When I was in Primary school, my music teacher called me “Raichu” because my brother was also the student of my teacher and he knew that my brother loved “Pikachu” and was also called “Pikachu” by his friends. My second nickname is Alo. All of my friends have nicknames and as my name is already short it cannot be shortened or changed I didn’t have a nickname. Then they started to call me “Alo”. That’s all about my name.

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