Hello! My name is Sümeyye. My name was given by my father. He gave me this name because of Hz. Sümeyye. She was the seventh muslims and her husband Yasir and son Amir were muslim, too. As they didn’t have a tribe to protect them, they were tortured to give up İslam.

Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam could not do anything to save them from the torture but said, “Be patient O family of Yasir. You have a place in Jannah. Finally, Abu Jahl took a spear and killed her. She had the honour of being the first martyr in Islam.
I think she was a very strong woman. I love my name but some people make fun of this name. I think it’s not a name to make fun. One of my friend called me "Ümmü". I love her but first I was annoyed by the nickname but now I think it’s a funny name.
I think names are special for people because, all the time we call them by their names. Sometimes I forget people’s names and call them “You”. It is a great escape. I usually mix up names and try not to show it because the people may get mad.
All in all, names are very important and we should be happy to have good names.

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