One day, we were talking with my Japanese friend about our dreams. I always said “I wanted to have a robot.” And on my birthday a big packet arrived. I was so excited. I opened the box and I saw a robot. I was very happy. My robot’s name was “Robox”. Robox can wash the dishes, do homework, play video games, write diaries, cook and more! But our robot vacuum cleaner which was also a kind of robot was not happy about it.

I think, it was jealous because, we loved Robox so much! They fought when we were not at home. I told them not to fight. But they continued. After that, I texted my Japanese friend. My friend told me to turn off the robot vacuum cleaner. We turned off the robot vacuum cleaner. One week later we turned on the robot vacuum cleaner to see if it had learned its lesson. It seemed peaceful first but then both Robox and our vacuum cleaner robot made a deal and they kicked us out of the house. You cannot trust the robots.

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