If I lived in Africa, I could see many different places; for example I could wander in the desert and see different animals such as desert fox, desert scorpion etc.
- Said Emir KEMAL tarafından yazıldı.
- Gösterim: 1094
If I lived in Africa, I could see many different places; for example I could wander in the desert and see different animals such as desert fox, desert scorpion etc.
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Hello! Today, I will talk about Hazrat Muhammad. Let's start. We know that he was a helpful and perfect person. He was the last prophet, and he is a role model for Muslims. If we follow his Sunnahs, we can feel closer to him. We can also say...
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Prophet Muhammad is a messenger for all humanity from Allah. I love him because he teaches us how to be good Muslims and shows us the correct ways to live. We can feel closer to him by following his teachings and doing what he advises.I wish...
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Ayşe what is your dream house? 🏡 My dream house has got three bedrooms, four bathrooms, two kitchens with three floors. I think two garages is enough. My dream house has a very big garden.