When I was three years old, I always played with my stroller. I put my dolls in it and went took them to the shopping center, the café, playground. and market. I always wanted to play with it. It was pink and had a steel belt. One day I went to the playground with my mom. We didn’t take my dolls and my stroller.

I was so angry, and I pushed the swing in hard way, and it swing back and hit my mouth. I cried so much.
I have another childhood toy that I can’t forget- MY DOLL. My cousin and I dreamt of having “Our Generation Dolls” (This is a doll brand.) The dolls were so beautiful. The hair was so nice. They had combs, dresses, skirts, pants, pajamas, shoes. The clothes were like real clothes. They had also a bed and bunk beds. My cousin went to Saudi Arabia. When they came back, they brought me the doll that I wanted so much. We played with this doll so much. Then my sister also wanted one of the dolls. On her birthday we bought one for her- my mom my dad me. Now we play with it together. We also swim with it. And last year we went to Antalya, and we carried them with us. At the airport we carried the bags, the suitcases, and the dolls. We looked so funny there! These are my favourite childhood toys. Goodbye!

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