Hello I am Berra and my favorite TV shows are comedies and sports programs. For example in comedy, I laugh and have fun with my family but in dramas such as death makes me sad. I even dreams of it sometimes. I also like cooking shows but it is not one of my favorite shows.

Hello my name is Beril. I am eleven. I live in Turkey. Now I want to tell you about my world. I wake  up at half past seven. I get dresses and go out. We get in the car and drive to school. After 8 lessons, my mom comes and we go home.

Undersea life is very shiny. I love having information about undersea life. Undersea life is not only about fish. There are all kinds of fish undersea. There are predatory sharks as well as sweet fish undersea. The fish that interested me most is the transparent fish.

I read a book about undersea life. The oceans cover 70% of Earth’s surface. In the oceans, the animals and plants survive. There are five oceans; The Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, and, Southern Ocean. The oceans have currents, tides, and waves.

Many kinds of plants and animals live undersea. Some turtles live in the sea like fish. Animals living under the sea breathe with their gills. Some of them are very small. For example, a lot of kinds of fish are very small like HAMSİ. Some of them are very big. For example, sharks and whales.

Hey! Hello everyone. Today we are going to talk about a topic that is in our minds. Our topic is under sea life. Yes, let’s talk about fish first. Sword fish, Bonito fish, Anchovy… Yes our first fish is Sword Fish. The Sword fish is a predatory fish of the Xipihiidea family with an elongated upper jaw like a sword.

There are two hundred fifty thousand kinds of sea animal under the sea. There are incredible things about undersea life. Dolphins are the cleverest animals in the world. They understand the words people say. Sponges are older than dinosaurs. World’s biggest fish is whale shark.

Şeyh Şamil is a very strong man. He has got very beautiful horse. He is very tall. He has got very beautiful fur cap.  He has got a very sharp sword.  He has got very strong friends. He has got a strong love for his country. He has got strong arms. He has got very clean and beautiful clothes.

I will be writing about my best friend that lives in America. His name is Muhammet Asaf. He was born in Trabzon. His birthday is on January 5th 2012. He says he was a present for his father’s birthday. His father’s birthday is on January, the 4th.

Hello! I'm Jenny, and this is my twin Jessica, Welcome to our Vlog.
Jessica: Hi there, what’s up? I hope you are all fine.
Jenny: Anyway, this is our first blog and we are so excited. This vlog is about our parents’ birthday party!
Jessica: Yes, their birthdays are on the same date. It's so cool! And today they are going out because our grandmother is ill and they will going to visit her. They stay there for the whole day and we can organise a birthday party!
Jenny: Yes, they are going and we can organise the party when they're gone.
Jessica: It's time to go to bed. See you later. Goodbye.
Jenny: Goodbye.

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